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  • backyardbotany

Don't be afraid, be educated!

After the recent mushroom poisoning in Bass Coast, there was a news report saying that you should only ever purchase mushrooms from reputable sellers and NEVER pick them from the wild. Now while I agree that if you are uninformed about the genus and species of mushrooms you're collecting, you should not forage for mushrooms or any other plant, it bothers me that the news is making society even more afraid to fend for themselves in the wild. We have become so far detached from our surroundings that it is much more comfortable to purchase mushrooms in a plastic container, covered in cling wrap, than we are with our knowledge of what we can safely eat in the wild. This is not the fault of the consumer. Modern Society has changed so much over the last two hundred years with ancestral knowledge not often being passed down through the generations. How would modern society look today if this knowledge was taught from a young age and used in everyday cooking? Is it possible to break the stigma surrounding foraged foods?

I urge people to be cautious when collecting food from wild places. Making sure you are taught correct identifications from appropriately qualified people is paramount. Here at Backyard Botany, we only teach safe foraging methods and make sure that the species being taught have no toxic counterparts to ensure the safety of our customers. When you come on our tours we want you to feel confident and safe in the knowledge that is being shared with you. This is the biggest challenge and the number one objective of this business. Enabling customers the ability to experience a deeper connection to nature in a fun and safe environment while learning along the way enables a secure platform to begin their sustainable living journey.


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